7 Best Montessori Practices to Follow in Developing Concentration

Concentration is the pillar of learning. Whether you are cooking, solving a mathematical equation, or playing chess, a certain amount of attention is required. The base of concentration needs to be established in a child from his/her very first school. Montessori is the place where a child can adopt different methods to develop his/her concentration. Montessori children get the opportunity to do their tasks without any disruption, which helps in the growth of their attention. Montessori training encourages children to complete their learning process through a lot of practices.

With that ongoing repetition, we have given here some classroom activities and games that can build concentration within the children.

1. Building Games:

Any building game is a high activity to keep the children focused. All they need is concentration, whether they are making a tower with cards or making building blocks with different shapes and colors. Montessori is the ground level that will set the base of attention in the children. Sometimes you can assign your children group activities to make them learn how to work as a team.

2. Memory Games:

Memory games are one of the best activities to develop concentration among children. For this, you can use some bright colored cards with pictures. First, the students will see the cards with the utmost focus, and then you can ask questions about the cards to see how much they remember, which will prove how much were they concentrating.

3. Puzzle Games:

Puzzle games are trendy not only among children but also in aged people. There is a vast collection of puzzle games that are available which caters to different age groups. It would be best if you choose suitable games for Montessori kids. Rubik cube is one such game that is engaging and challenging at the same time. This is one of the quite popular games to develop their concentration.

4. Timed Activities:

Timed activities are another way to improve concentration in children. For example, you write as many words as you can on the board. Then give each student a minute and check for the number of words they can copy in that timeframe. If a child’s concentration power is right, then at a glance, he/she can remember 2-3 words to write.

5. Left-Hand Exercises:

According to a study, left-hand activities can increase your focus because you don’t use the left hand for most of your work. So, you can make children practice the letters and the numbers with the left side. While writing with the left hand, they will be focusing on making their writing readable, and automatically they will develop their concentration.

6. Drawing:

Drawing is a fun activity, but it can also help the children to focus on their work. You can draw an object like a bird, a fruit, or a vegetable on the board and tell the children to copy it. This activity can be fun, engaging, and will also require an enhanced level of concentration.

7. Meditation:

Meditation is the best way for increasing concentration. Besides concentration, it will also help the children to be calm. So, each day, you can have a meditation session for 5 minutes.

When your objective is to develop concentration in children, try to maximize hands-on activities instead of digital ones. To encourage your children, you can also give a token of appreciation to the winner. It will boost the other kids to do well in further activities.

How One Can Make A Difference By Studying Psychology?

What is Psychology?

Psychology is the study of behavioral and emotional science. Psychology includes studying both conscious and subconscious phenomena, feeling, and thinking. Psychological Counselling Courses in Mumbai will give you more ideas about different courses.

Scope of Psychology

Psychology is an interdisciplinary and multi-faceted area of study that constitutes a plethora of sub-fields of study: human development, sports and fitness, health-care, clinical, social behavior, and cognitive processes. Counseling Courses includes:
1. Physiological Psychology
2. Developmental Psychology
3. Personality Psychology
4. Counselling Psychology
5. Social Psychology

How One Can Make A Difference By Studying Psychology?

Studying psychology not only makes a difference in one’s own and other people’s lives, but it also provides students, the opportunity for personal growth and opens up a vast array of career opportunities. If you’re interested in studying psychology, make sure to find out some of the ways you can make a difference by doing so:

The plethora of Career-options: One of the greatest strengths of a degree in psychology is the huge array of career paths available to graduates. Students should adapt their curriculum and degree to concentrate on fields of specialty that are appealing to their interests. Some of those potential areas of occupations include:
● Academic teacher/professor
● Researcher
● Practitioner

1. Improves people-skills

The field of psychology is dedicated to understanding and explaining human behavior — why we think, feel, and behave the way we do — and how life circumstances affect individuals. Delving into other people’s motives and goals, lets you improve leadership skills. When you communicate with people in all sorts of situations, you do better. It will also help in understanding the people’s needs and what they expect from others.

2. Change people’s lives

Individuals are constantly feeling the need to seek advice and support at various points in their lives because of shifts in our culture that caters to various communities. As a result, India’s counselling sector is rapidly increasing. If you enjoy helping people with their problems and want to have a positive impact on their lives, counselling could be the perfect job. A counsellor is someone who supports people in need by assisting them through experiencing emotional problems and advises people on issues of family, job, lifestyle, and relationships. The scope of a counsellor involves:

a. Working with individuals and groups to improve their well-being and mental health.
b. Helping people set goals, plan actions, and gain insights.
c. Developing paths toward the goal with various alternatives.
d. Acting as an aid in reaching goals.
e. Taking holistic health-care (in mind and body)

Being the most sought-after psychology course is Psychological counseling courses in Mumbai, Delhi, and other metropolitan cities. There are a plethora of institutes that provide counselling courses in Mumbai – which can fulfill one’s dream of becoming a counselor. Apart from a professional course, one also needs to have certain personal qualities such as empathy, interpersonal skills, patience, resilience, good listening and communication skills, and above all a tremendous passion for doing good to others.

7 Best Montessori Practices to Follow in Developing Concentration

Concentration is the pillar of learning. Whether you are cooking, solving a mathematical equation, or playing chess, a certain amount of attention is required. The base of concentration needs to be established in a child from his/her very first school. Montessori is the place where a child can adopt different methods to develop his/her concentration. Montessori children get the opportunity to do their tasks without any disruption, which helps in the growth of their attention. Montessori training encourages children to complete their learning process through a lot of practices. With that as an ongoing repetition, we have given here some classroom activities and games that can build the concentration among the children.

Building Games: Any building game is a high activity to keep the children focused. All they need is concentration, whether they are making a tower with cards or making building blocks with different shapes and colors. Montessori is the ground level that will set the base of attention among the children. Sometimes you can assign your children with group activities to make them learn how to work as a team.

Memory Games: Memory games are one of the best activities to develop concentration among children. For this, you can use some bright colored cards with pictures. First, the students will see the cards with full focus, and then you can ask some questions about the tickets to see how much they remember, which will prove how much they were concentrating.

Puzzle Games: Puzzle games are trendy not among the children, but also in aged people. There is a vast collection of puzzle games that will be found in the market for different age groups. It would be best if you choose suitable games for Montessori kids. You can give them Rubik cube as well, though challenging yet will help them focus with full attention to crack it. This enables them to build their concentration levels.

Timed Activities: Timed activities are another way to improve concentration in children. For example, you will write as many words as you can write on the blackboard. Then you give each student 1 minute and in that time how many words they can copy. If a child’s concentration power is right, then in one glance, he/she can remember 2-3 words to write.

Left-Hand Exercises: According to a study, left-hand activities can increase your focus because you don’t use the left hand for every work. So you can make children practice the letters and the numbers with the left side. While writing with the left hand, they will be focusing on making their writing readable, and automatically they will develop their concentration.

Drawing: Drawing is a fun activity, but it can also help the children to focus on their work. You can draw an object like a bird, a fruit, or a vegetable on the blackboard and tell your children to copy the exact thing. While copying, they will put their full effort, and thus a fun activity can increase your child’s attention.

Meditation: Meditation is the best way for the growth of concentration. Besides concentration, it will help the children to be calm and not to panic. So each day, you can have a meditation session of 5 minutes.

When your objective is to develop concentration in children, try to maximize hands-on activities instead of digital ones. To encourage your children, you can also give a token of appreciation to the winner. It will boost the other kids to do well in the next activities.

Things You Can Learn at Preschool Teacher Training

Teaching is not a job. It is a human service, and it must be thought of as a MISSION.

– Dr Ralph Tyler


Teachers have a great responsible role on the overall growth and development of students. A positive influence from a teacher reflects a great impact in each student’s life. The right guidance provided by the teachers help the students to grow in to happy and healthy individuals of tomorrow.
Continue reading Things You Can Learn at Preschool Teacher Training

5 Signs You Can Handle Students Nicely

Teaching is a huge responsibility; the teacher has the task of building up foundation knowledge and skill set upon which the student will build up his/her entire life. Given the importance of this profession, it is extremely necessary that the individual who is given the task of teaching is competent. To fulfill this precondition, a number of teacher training institutes in Mumbai have been opened up and the primary aim of these institutes is to train an individual into a highly capable teacher. In this blog, I will discuss 5 signs that will help you to identify that you can handle students nicely.

1. You have developed certain traits found in good teachers
Every good teacher has a set of personality traits that enable him/her to deal with students more efficiently. Some of these traits are patience, liveliness, and creativity. The teacher has to be patient in the classroom, be it for explaining new topics or for dealing with a difficult student. Liveliness is also an important aspect of the teacher’s personality; a lively teacher will not let the class be boring. Finally, the teacher has to have the creativity to find new ways of explaining students and making the class interesting. By developing these traits, the teacher will be able to build a good relationship with his/her students. If you possess the mentioned personality traits, it is highly likely that you can handle students nicely.

2. You have the ability to manage students
Any good teacher knows the art of managing students and parents without making them feel uncomfortable. In fact, this skill is so important that at National Academy in Mumbai it is given a major emphasis. Once the teacher learns to manage the students in a balanced way, rest of the task becomes much easy. Due to this reason, teacher training institutes in Mumbai give high focus on this skill.

3. You can apply the principles taught during your training
At National Academy or other teacher training institutes in Mumbai, you will be taught a number of skills that will help you in becoming a good teacher. If you are able to retain those skill and see yourself applying them in your classroom then it is a good sign that you have the potential to easily handle your student.

4. You appreciate the individuality of students
Every student is different and a good teacher is the one who appreciates this difference and tries to use it for the betterment of every student. If a teacher respects the individual uniqueness of the students, the students will also start to respect the teacher. At teacher training in Mumbai, all the teachers are asked to respect the uniqueness of each student.

5. You are enthusiastic about your profession
If you love your profession and the work you do, your teaching will become much more energetic and consequently, efficient. Additionally, you will also be able to handle the work challenges with much more ease.

Five Salient Features of an Teacher Training Center

One good teacher can change thousands of lives for better. A good teacher training center can only create such good teachers. Role of teacher training center is important for nation building. Here I give you five salient features of a teacher training centers:   

  • A good teacher training center is the one which trains the future teachers to make concepts clear in most simple manner possible. Teacher learns how to use different examples to make the concept clear here.
  • Training centers believes, it is not sufficient for teacher to be just highly knowledgeable but he or she should also be very enthusiastic about teaching. Passion and drive for teaching will enable teachers to overcome small hurdles. Teacher who is enthusiastic for his or her job will have great relationship with students and students will learn more effectively from such teacher.
  • Teacher training institutes in Mumbai teach importance of involvement of students in classroom. With good communication skills and ability to connect with students on their level a teacher can grab their attention. Training centers teach teachers to be creative, energetic and engaging to create interest among students.
  • World is changing every day hence education systems is also evolving with time. A skilled teacher should be able to adapt himself or herself according to these changes. In this digital era, new methods of teaching are required for better involvement of students. Teacher training institutes in Mumbai prepare the teachers in such a way that they can adapt themselves according to these changes and come up with new teaching methods.
  • There are many occasions when students are not able to understand some tricky  topic, teacher training centers train teachers to handles such situations with determination. Instead of skipping such topics finding out different ways to convey the topic to the students is what a good teacher do. Job of teacher involves preparing for next day lessons, setting question paper, grading answer sheets and many such thankless tasks, but strong determination and love for this job helps them handle all such things gracefully.

Look for all these qualities in a teacher training center to be a great teacher.

Why One Must Enroll for Montessori Teacher Training Course

For any child, the preschool years are most important as they create long lasting impression. They need more care. A Montessori trained teacher can only take care of these little doodlers.

Nowadays, choosing a career path is one of the most important decisions we make in our lives. Priorities  vary from one individual to the next. Some consider personal fulfillment to be the most vital issue when choosing a career. Continue reading Why One Must Enroll for Montessori Teacher Training Course

Here’s all you need to know about ECCED course in Mumbai

Pre-school teachers play an important role in children’s overall development. They nurture the little buds to make them a beautiful flower. At pre-school kids get exposed to numbers, letters and shapes; they learn to socialize, share with other kids and a lot. But this doesn’t happen alone, pre-school teachers help them grow and develop from the very initial stage. As an early childhood teacher, you will be challenged to be a guide to little minds. Children follow what they see and hear so it is very important for an ECCED teacher to be a role model for children. It’s a great courage and proud in nurturing little minds in right direction. There are many institutes which provide ECCED training.

Let us know about ECCED training course in Mumbai:

  • Aim: To acquaint a trainee teacher with the fundamentals of child development in the early years, 0-6 years.
  • It enables student teachers to acquire right attitude, skills, insights and training to be a nursery teacher.
  • The course is suitable for the following people:
  1. Entrepreneurs who need to run their own nursery school.
  2. Teachers who need to supplement their practical knowledge and skills in nursery teaching.
  3. Homemakers who wish to take wings and want to become a teacher.
  4. Mid career professionals seeking a change in job.
  5. College going students who aspire to gain professional qualification.
  • If you are 12th pass you are eligible for this course.
  • The course provides hands on training in activities like art, craft, drawing, puppet and dramatization.
  • The course provides the knowledge of teaching aids and how to use them.
  • It also provides internship in teacher training for the aspirers.
  • Many workshops are organized by experts, counselors and special educators.
  • The course provides theoretical knowledge in the following 6 modules:
  1. Principle of early children education
  2. Child development
  3. Methods and materials for working out with children.
  4. Health and nutrition for preschooler
  5. Issues and concerns related to early childhood.
  • The course duration is 1 year.
  • After completion of course you get job opportunities like:
  1. Teacher
  2. Curriculum designer
  3. Educational manager
  4. Educational consultant
  • You can join the course to have these benefits with your job:
  1. You will enjoy flexible working hours with public holidays and vacations.
  2. You will get an option working either part time or full time.
  3. You will get to attain benefits by working in international schools.
  4. You will enhance your parenting skills and will have better understanding of children’s mind frames.

EECED course, Mumbai proves to be the best as they offer best training both theoretical and practical in just one year. They have hired experienced teachers to assist you throughout the training course. If you are a Mumbai resident you can surely join this course and reap benefits of flexible and noble jobs further in life. It’s always a pride in becoming a guide for framing little minds.

Only Best Teacher Can Nurture Best Nursery

The work of a daycare teacher includes more than just watching children every day. In addition to ensuring that children are safe, the teacher is responsible for their health, development, nutrition, and education.
The teacher of kindergarten schools teaches children to express themselves and to be understood through language: to order words in a sentence, to ask a question, to tell a small story, to name objects, to sing a nursery rhyme, to recite from memory Poems. He also introduces them to writing: how to hold a pencil, write their first name in cursive, draw a circle, a square, and a triangle, cut, etc.
It helps them to locate themselves in space, move, speak with their bodies, develop their imagination, pay attention to the world around them, their concentration. It ‘ Also acts to put them in contact with new technologies (digital tablets, computers, and cameras??). Finally, its role is to make them become autonomous pupils, respectful of others, rules, and group life Education and training
Good nursery teachers do not do this without Montessori teacher training in Mumbai. They have taken courses in child development, and understand the achievements and skills that children should learn at each age. Through classes and training, they also know how to plan appropriate activities and strategies to help children achieve those accomplishments.
When it comes to child safety, safe nursery teachers have taken courses and obtained first aid and Montessori teacher training in Mumbai. They recognize symptoms of common illness and child abuse and know when to act if a child displays a shift in mood or behavior.


When a teacher does not set the rules or does not use appropriate ways to discipline children, chaos can take over the nursery. A good teacher creates simple rules for children to follow and uses strategies such as behavior charts, time off, and redirection to motivate children to monitor the rules.

Is Teaching Preschoolers Really a Difficult Task?

Many people undergoing Montessori teacher training have a common question regarding their future careers. While teaching at the secondary or senior secondary level means that the students take a lot of the initiative; teaching younger children seems much more challenging. To clarify what teaching Montessori children actually may relate to, we have to explore both teaching techniques, as well as the mind of a child who is between 3 and 6 years old.

Proper Montessori teacher training in Mumbai will be a well-structured syllabus that helps an educator explore the concepts of early education. It is the teaching method that will help the educator communicate with the children, and this is the most essential factor for early education. Children are much more open to learning by experiences than texts, and the educator must be prepared for the challenges accordingly.

Communicating With a Preschool Student

Most Montessori schools in India consist of students between 2 1/2 and 6 years of age. At this early stage of their brain’s development, they are trying to explore their environment with all of their senses at once. Teaching preschoolers is about finding ways to direct their natural curiosity and inquisitiveness toward objectives. A large part of Montessori teacher training is about knowing the techniques that help with this kind of direction.

Another critical aspect of communicating with children of such a young age is taking advantage of peer-to-peer interaction. At such a young age, most children have a keen interest in communicating with others of a similar age group. Early education techniques rely heavily on this kind of peer-to-peer communication to advance the learning process.

Specific Challenges and Relative Solutions

The best centers for Montessori teacher training in Mumbai follow an international syllabus that is well-researched for helping educators prepare for certain specific challenges. Perhaps one of the most critical challenges of early education is how to cultivate discipline without much enforcement. Another common challenge when teaching preschoolers is balancing the importance of general play time with actual learning activities.

The training methods for Montessori teachers explore the various ways in which these specific challenges can be dealt with in a classroom environment. While older children would have a higher sense of responsibility, a 3-year-old would have a limited understanding of the importance of discipline. Children need to learn by activity and abstractness rather than textual cues. This is why a large part of Montessori teacher training is dedicated to helping the educator exploit a manipulated environment and activities to help balance ‘Education’ within ‘Play Time’.

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